6 Pieces Of Misinformation Out There About The Services Of A Personal Injury Attorney
The services of a personal injury attorney can be invaluable if you're struggling with expenses that are brought on by a personal injury situation for which another party is responsible. Unfortunately, certain pieces of misinformation out there can discourage clients from hiring an attorney.
The following are six pieces of misinformation out there about the services of a personal injury attorney.
You shouldn't bother to seek out the services of a personal injury attorney if your injuries are minor.
It's common for clients to think that injuries are minor and insignificant at first. However, these injuries can become more costly over time.
You should have your case evaluated by a personal injury attorney regardless of how minor your injuries may be at first seem. You may be able to benefit from a free consultation so that it costs you nothing to get an attorney's opinion on your situation.
You can't afford to hire the services of a personal injury attorney.
In most cases, anyone can afford to hire a personal injury attorney's services. That's because many attorneys charge based on a contingency fee for personal injury cases. In this case, you don't pay anything unless your attorney wins you compensation.
Insurance will cover the full costs of your personal injury.
Some clients are discouraged from seeking personal injury attorney services because they carry insurance. Unfortunately, you can't assume that your insurance coverage will cover the full cost of your expenses.
Insurance policies typically have coverage maximums and other limitations. That's why you may benefit enormously from the services of a personal injury attorney even though you're heavily insured.
You'll have to testify in court if you hire a personal injury attorney.
In some cases, you may need to testify in court after hiring a personal injury attorney. However, it's important to realize that many personal injury attorneys are able to achieve a settlement before a court trial is necessary. This means that you won't necessarily have to appear in court if you hire a personal injury attorney.
You won't be able to make any choices about your case yourself once you hire a personal injury attorney.
Your personal injury attorney will consult with you before making any decisions about any settlement you're offered or any court trial requirement that comes up. You don't have to worry that you won't be able to make any decisions about your personal injury situation after hiring an attorney.
You don't need the services of a personal injury attorney to get the compensation you deserve.
Some consumers attempt to pursue their personal injury claims without hiring an attorney. However, it's important to realize that you'll inevitably enjoy higher chances of success with the services of a personal injury attorney.