Demand Assistance As Well As Cash In An Injury Settlement
Settling for a large sum of money is great, but you won't be able to put all of the money to use if you're spending it on bringing your life to a new normal. If you need help getting around town, maintaining a living or just surviving as the settlement arrangement closes, make sure that your legal opponent takes responsibility for your transition. Consider a few negotiation points that an injury victim should suggest to their legal opponent in order to maximize your injury compensation.
Help With Getting Around Town
If you're in enough pain or inconvenience to warrant an injury settlement, you'll probably need help getting things done around town. Whether you need grocery shopping, taking family members to different appointments or making it to the doctor for your injuries, make sure that the cost of inconvenience is paid by your legal opponent, not you.
For some injury settlement recipients, there's a 'take the money and run' mentality that isn't necessary. There may be understandable fear and discomfort when dealing with legal professionals on the other side of the argument, especially if your legal opponent is an employer, large organization or involved with an insurance company.
Don't let their status intimidate you. Consult a personal injury lawyer and try to secure private transportation services for you and your loved ones if necessary. Make sure to have the transportation service vetted before agreeing to their services; you wouldn't want to put yourself in the hands of an unprofessional, last minute transportation choice because of your opponent's lack of foresight.
Assistance With Securing Income
How will you make a living after your injury? If you're not totally disabled, the settlement may not be enough to keep you comfortable for five, even ten years in the future. Especially in the cases of minor to moderate injuries that linger, it may be difficult to keep up with a professional life.
If your current or previous job is difficult or impossible because of your injuries, make sure that your legal opponent takes responsibility by helping you into a job training or educational program. By training for a job, earning certification, getting a college degree or a combination of all three, you can enhance your earning ability in a field that doesn't aggravate your injuries.
Your legal opponent may be able to pay for your new career with the services of a grant writer, scholarship professional or by helping you enroll in training programs for the disabled. Such techniques are fine as long as you're able to get the education you need to succeed, but make sure that you're getting your money's worth. If the grant writer's services are low enough, make sure to secure multiple education opportunities to be better protected in future economic changes.
For assistance with making a compelling negotiation argument, contact a personal injury lawyer.